PIOS Computer AG

Hardware of the PIOS ONE

The hardware impresses by its modular concept, which drives the performance to new heights thanks to newest RISC technology. But it still allows for a priceworthy entry level, so that everyone can join the PowerPC world without being excluded from being able to upgrade to workstation niveau.

The base configuration consists of two boards, the motherboard and the CPU module, plus peripherals like drives, casing, and power supply.

The motherboard contains the basic elements of the computer, the three PCI and two ISA slots, as well as the audio part and all I/O, everything in proven standard technology, as it's used reliably and at low expenses in industry standard computers. Graphics is provided by a PCI-bus card.

The CPU module is plugged on the motherboard, and it contains besides the CPU chip also the system RAM (in standard DIMM sockets) and cache RAM (also socketed, optional) as well as the control circuitry for all this. This way, maximum performance is assured also with faster CPUs. CPUs of the PowerPC 603 family are used, they can be shipped with clock frequencies of currently 133 to 200 MHz. In the future, also CPU modules with more CPUs for multiprocessor operation are possible.

Details, Specifications


CPU Module

The interface to the mainboard is designed in a way, so that in future also CPU modules with several CPUs for symmetric multiprocessing are possible.

Case and Peripherals

No RISC, no fun! Says PIOS.

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This page was created on 22.Dec.96, last change on 23.Dec.96.